CF Analytics
Privacy-first, lightweight, accurate analytics with a server-side option
Open-Source Node.js analytics tool for those who care about privacy
Privacy-friendly web analytics that works without cookies or JS
Web analytics with accurate analytics, heatmaps & A/B testing
Simple and fast website analytics alternative to Google Analytics
GA 4
Still one of the best analytics tools. The latest V4 is even better
Yandex Metrica
A Free All-Round Web Analytics (Replaces HotJar + GA)
Open-source and privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics
Visually style any website in any browser. The ultimate CSS extension
Headless UI
Unstyled and fully accessible UI components
Fast Design
The adaptive UI library to create custom web pages faster
Use shorter CSS classes than using barebone Tailwind CSS
Turn any After Effects animation to SVG animation
Lightweight, scalable animations for your website and apps
Simple vector icons carefully crafted for designers & developers
Material Icons
Icons based on the core Material Design principles from Google
The best JS framework (compiler) with a super dev experience
Vue 3
20KB min+gzip Runtime Blazing Fast Virtual DOM
A complete opinionated framework to build structured enterprise apps
An unopinionated library for building user interfaces using JSX
A better way to build standard Web Components. Weighing in at ~5 KB
A React like library but for building standard Web Components
The webs fastest template library for building user interfaces
A micro framework for adding JS behavior in your HTML
TurboKit Gulp
Build blazing fast websites that score 100/100 in lighthouse
Lighthouse CI
Test your web apps performance and follow the latest best practices
Helps you build PWAs by generating customizable a service worker
AMP Toolbox
A collection of tools to build, publish and host super fast AMP pages
Frontend Checklist
List of tools, recommendations and best practices to build fast websites
Compress images using the best codecs in the browser. Works offline
A tool to minify SVGs using all SVGO options. Works offline too
Avoid over complicating your JS and use this 1 line code snippets instead
CloudFlare Pages
The best way to host your static web pages. Fast and no downtime
Quickly deploy web apps both static and dynamic sites to google's CDN
All in one platform to ship web apps. Including hosting, analytics...
AWS Amplify
Secure & reliable hosting for modern web apps, powered by AWS Amplify
The best place to deploy react based Next.js apps
Github Pages
The place to deploy an open source or a hobby project nothing more
Great potential due to the number of offered services but expect issues
Purely CLI based, works best for a quick and a minimal website deploy
MongoDB Atlas
MonogoDB Cloud database service with multi-cloud support
World's fastest MaxIOPS storage, Managed Databases & Private Cloud
Supabase PostgreSQL
Open-Source Firebase alternative. Auth, Storage & a Postgres database
Firebase RD/FS
Firebase Realtime-Database & Firestore; Backed by Google
Google Cloud Databases
Fully managed database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL & SQL Server
Amazon RDS
Set up, operate, and scale any relational database in the cloud
Azure Managed Databases
Fully managed relational, NoSQL & in-memory databases by Microsoft
Redis Labs
Stores data in RAM for fast access. Commonly used as a caching layer
CF Workers
Serverless code across the globe with an exceptional performance
AWS Lambda
Reliable and affordable serverless with a 1 million requests for free
Netlify Functions
A user friendly version of AWS Lambda but at a higher cost
Cloud Functions
Google's alternative to AWS lambda. Be careful from hidden fees
Azure Functions
Event-driven serverless compute platform by Microsoft
IBM Functions
Functions-as-a-Service platform based on Apache OpenWhisk
Supabase Functions
An upcoming alternative to Cloud Functions for Firebase
Alibaba Functions
Serverless computing for the asian market. 1M free invocations
Firebase Auth
Supports most sign-in methods. It's free + 10K monthly phone auth
MongoDB Auth
Manages authentication, works best with Atlas for role-based data access
AWS Cognito
Most popular auth solution, mange up to 50K active users free
Netlify Identity
Expensive auth provider, use only if you already using their business plan
Authentication middleware for Node.js with 500+ auth strategies
Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Apps
Enterprise identity and management platform with SSO support
The World’s #1 Identity Platform (acq Auth0). UI/Dashboard driven
All-in-One revenue delivery platform that will handle sales tax too
A slightly more expensive alternative to Paddle. Avoid it for subscriptions
Self-publishing digital market place platform to sell digital products
Verifone 2checkout
All-in-one monetization platform with tax handling & recovering churn
Lemon Squeezy
A new selling platform + marketing tools. charges a monthly fee
Connect your users bank accounts to your app with a simple API
Subscription first payment solution. inc, price testing & multi-gateways...
Most popular payment solution, handle sales tax yourself, no Paypal!
The best E2E testing library hands down, uses smart element selectors
Create and run E2E tests without having to write a single line of code
The industry standard in E2E testing, open-source + paid cloud plans
Do anything that can be done manually in chrome but using code
The most popular testing library, you don't need to look anywhere else
Zero config GUI for Jest. inc, coverage report & searchable tests
REST API Testing Tool for all levels in a Test Pyramid
Tests Best Practices
Comprehensive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices list

Yuri Artyukh
Learn to build super cool 3D web experiences using WebGl & Three.js
The only blog you will ever need to build super awesome websites!
The Net Ninja
Most organized tutorials YT channel. Best place to learn a new technology
Caler Edwards
Creates top Adobe Xd tutorials, has a radio-like voice too!
Build cool UI interactions without any audio. less talking more doing.
Learn to Code Repo
The most popular repos on Github to help people learn to code
Code My UI
A big collection of UIs with source code to give you a head start
Wrong Akram
Super polished tutorials with great UI/UX Design & Front End tricks
Style CSS Visually
InTab is a browser extension that lets you visually style websites Never waste time typing CSS in DevTools again!
Install Extension